Lessons Learned: Launching Continuous User Research at Oscar
“Continuous user research” is the ongoing collection of user feedback and an overall commitment to regularly talking to your customers. Read about how we launched it at Oscar.
UX Research Methods Map
Read about the simple tool I created to foster a researcher’s mindset at Oscar and help us choose the right research method for each project.
The Sensory Overload of Emerging Technology
We are experiencing sensory overload of emerging tech - literally and metaphorically. And I have some thoughts.
XR, What is it Good For? Absolutely Some Things
What makes a good application of virtual or augmented reality? Let’s spend some time defining that because there’s a whole lot of bad applications right now.
Metaverse Musings
The metaverse is the tech industry’s 2022 buzzword. What exactly is it? And what does it mean for healthcare?
Signals of Hope for Medical Extended Reality
The point of this piece is to justify hope for medical extended reality - because we’re finally seeing healthcare catch up to where medicine has been since the 90s.
Evaluating Horizon Three Concepts
Investing in the future is a tricky business. How do we evaluate far-off concepts in a way that flatters their unknowable nature?
The Digital You Project
No one is talking to kids about how to be a good digital citizen - this is my pet project to change that. Free access to my mini children’s book, The Digital You.