The Digital You Project

As I began delving into the world of all things immersive tech, I had two realizations:

  1. No one can explain this stuff simply, especially topics like an immersive web / metaverse.

  2. No one is talking to kids about this despite the undeniable relevance these topics have for children.

To the latter point, we teach kids about respect, responsibility, and compassion. In fact, we have whole sub-genres dedicated to “How to Be a Good Citizen.” Yet no one is talking to kids about how to be a good digital citizen.

Caveat, I am not an author. I’m not an illustrator. I’m not even a parent. But I care deeply about creating a meaningful immersive web, and I feel strongly that the more we work to explain this stuff to kids, the better our own understanding of it will be.

So I wrote a mini-children’s book. If you’re interested in reading it (or ideally reading it to your kids), download the free book via the button below.


Evaluating Horizon Three Concepts